what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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November 14, 2008

that sweet suite candy at the front desk
No experience    No qualifications    No clue
but she sure looks good      and
that’s what keeps ‘em coming back

“How was your weekend?” she said
looking past me --- not at all interested
in my response --- thinking
anticipating what she was going to say
  when I asked her how her weekend was
But I didn’t
I just said “good”
picked up the documents
and got back on the elevator

 If you could take a microwave oven with all the radiation it gives off and shrink it all down to a palm sized package you’d have a handy little device also known as a cell phone. Those things that people everywhere are holding up to their heads for hours at a time. The things they keep in their chest pockets, their breast pockets, over their hearts. In their ass pockets and on their groins. Those things blasting off the straps of their DANK bags. Those Nextels chirping, blurting, alerting the entire population of Two Union Square to wake up. I am messenger hear me roar. Yeah those things. Get back to me in 15 years when you know what those little microwave ovens have done to your brain.

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george is the name on my helmet sticker said...

i heard something new that i thought you would like. initially it was a reference to a personal library, but i will make it about the bike. 'the coral that you build for yourself should serve a purpose and should be utilized by you. otherwise building a large coral for no purpose and is never utilized is simple narcissism."

Posted November 15, 2008 09:39 AM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to george is the name on my helmet sticker...

word...or como se dice? palabra...I'd like to raise a warm glass of box wine to the narcissism. To not being able to get to work on time because you're looking in the mirror for so long. To not maintaining normal eye contact in a conversation because you're looking at your own reflection in the storefront window. To reminding everyone that you, YOU are the center of the universe.

Posted November 17, 2008 08:09 PM | Reply to this comment

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