that sweet suite candy at the front desk
No experience No qualifications No clue
but she sure looks good and
that’s what keeps ‘em coming back
“How was your weekend?” she said
looking past me --- not at all interested
in my response --- thinking
anticipating what she was going to say
when I asked her how her weekend was
But I didn’t
I just said “good”
picked up the documents
and got back on the elevator
If you could take a microwave oven with all the radiation it gives off and shrink it all down to a palm sized package you’d have a handy little device also known as a cell phone. Those things that people everywhere are holding up to their heads for hours at a time. The things they keep in their chest pockets, their breast pockets, over their hearts. In their ass pockets and on their groins. Those things blasting off the straps of their DANK bags. Those Nextels chirping, blurting, alerting the entire population of Two Union Square to wake up. I am messenger hear me roar. Yeah those things. Get back to me in 15 years when you know what those little microwave ovens have done to your brain.
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