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had a drink the other day - opinions were like kittens I was giving them away

November 12, 2008

Went to a party a couple weeks ago dressed as a paperboy. A few hours into it I met a woman dressed, she said, as a cougar. Later I found out it was my friend’s sister and she’s only 19.  Then everyone thought she was Lolita and I was a creepy old man.



I had a drink the other day
I had a lot to say

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pilderwasser said...

if you read it online it must be true

Posted November 12, 2008 07:29 AM | Reply to this comment

me said...

a girl came into the bar where i worked and sometimes still do. she was cute, nice breasts and an irresistible laugh that made me want to be funny. i chatted her up and said hi i am me and she said she was she. in the mirror behind the bartender i saw our reflection and became cognizant of being old enough for the bar and too young.

Posted November 12, 2008 04:15 PM | Reply to this comment

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