what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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casual Friday

November 7, 2008


As I step through the revolving door at One Union and look towards my elevator bank I see a white up-light light up and 8 people herd onto the one open car. I know I could walk just a bit faster and dog pile on that one too. But I won’t. But if I did    I would: jingle the change in my pocket, strum my fingers on the handrail, slurp my latte repeatedly, rustle the bag of my potato chips and chomp them down up in your face, offer unwanted eye contact fishing for something like a human connection - a banal conversation, turn up the volume on my cell phone, all the while hum-whistling the Green Acres theme song or is it whistle-humming…loudly off key and sloppy, plenty of saliva.

Yes that is what I would do if I didn’t do what I do.

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totally irrelevant said...

whenever people ride on my handlebars it's ususally late and we're both intoxicated. All I could think about while watching this video was wondering how she was sitting so easily on just the handlebar and how are her feet not getting sucked into the front wheel.. And then, BAM, 1:29, secret revealed - Pegs.

Posted November 7, 2008 11:05 PM | Reply to this comment

Winning said...

This is totally how I pick up chicks...but my brain was far more focused on this. A list was released today naming the top ten most irritating phrases: 1 - At the end of the day 2 - Fairly unique 3 - I personally 4 - At this moment in time 5 - With all due respect 6 - Absolutely 7 - It's a nightmare 8 - Shouldn't of 9 - 24/7 10 - It's not rocket science I find it funnny that 'without question' was omitted. What's your price for flight?

Posted November 8, 2008 03:55 AM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to Winning...

Sister Christian's older brother. Motoring. What's your price for flight. You've got him in your sight. And driving thru the night. Motoring. What's your price for flight. In finding mister right. You'll be alright tonight.

Posted November 8, 2008 08:28 AM | Reply to this comment

Kirk R. Dungan said...

I liked that one. I might have added something about a diet to increase flattulance (sp)

Posted November 8, 2008 09:00 PM | Reply to this comment

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