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Cloud City

November 6, 2008

"We get guys like you in here all the time..."

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code fuchsia said...

I just reviewed a web site that a week of debate about a cross race that may or may not happen. There are miles on miles of riding in the hills a mile away. on the days i don't race i ride these trail and think 'suckers paying to race when they can ride on a day like this for free.' then i see these two and i think 'who's the sucker now when i could be getting paid to ride.' word

Posted November 6, 2008 08:59 AM | Reply to this comment

Anonymous 9:18 said...

When Lando doesn't get his Colt 45 he punches you in the shoulder after you just got hit by a car on that shoulder. Word.

Posted November 6, 2008 10:19 AM | Reply to this comment

February said...

Be still my beating heart.

Posted November 6, 2008 05:43 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to February...

Hey I'm a Gemini.

Posted November 6, 2008 06:34 PM | Reply to this comment

Uncle Owen said...

Luke get your ass over here right now Stop monkeying around with that damn landspeeder. Where them two droids I asked you to clean boy? You clean your room?!

Posted November 7, 2008 07:30 AM | Reply to this comment

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