Look at the flaming sunset shadows on the walls of Bad Animals echoing the blaze of my brother Daryl's Swobo hat. Look at the aerospoke wheel on Leland's bike. Look at John Denver's hat. Look at that pilderwasser t-shirt. Look at those Lens Crafters. Can I get a P? Can I get another P? burberry

Your attempts to make up for your lack of experience with seemingly endless enthusiasm are amusing, reminding me of my attempts in the last few years to make up for my complete lack of enthusiasm by going to the well of experience…perhaps too many times.

Some people say getting hit by bird shit is good luck.
I agree
Some people say birds have no sphincter control.
I disagree
Today at 1:07pm in the plaza of the IBM building as I was nestled between two mid-size trees perched on the wall just this side of the ABC sidewalk-shortcut to One Union. I took my bag off and was turned to the right to open it up, when I was struck directly in the right shoulder by a humongous seagull turd with a loud splat and enough overspray to coat my left forearm too. It actually made me laugh as I thought of this seagull taking another spin to get a better look at the target. Precision, accuracy, trajectory, wind conditions, altitude, attitude, tone of voice, intention, audience, demographic. Good luck for me and Nice shot by Mr. J. L. Seagull.
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