what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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the bummer life, avoiding

October 28, 2008

Look at the flaming sunset shadows on the walls of Bad Animals echoing the blaze of my brother Daryl's Swobo hat. Look at the aerospoke wheel on Leland's bike. Look at John Denver's hat. Look at that pilderwasser t-shirt. Look at those Lens Crafters. Can I get a P? Can I get another P?  burberry 

Your attempts to make up for your lack of experience with seemingly endless enthusiasm are amusing, reminding me of my attempts in the last few years to make up for my complete lack of enthusiasm by going to the well of experience…perhaps too many times.

Some people say getting hit by bird shit is good luck.

I agree

Some people say birds have no sphincter control.
I disagree

Today at 1:07pm in the plaza of the IBM building as I was nestled between two mid-size trees perched on the wall just this side of the ABC sidewalk-shortcut to One Union. I took my bag off and was turned to the right to open it up, when I was struck directly in the right shoulder by a humongous seagull turd with a loud splat and enough overspray to coat my left forearm too. It actually made me laugh as I thought of this seagull taking another spin to get a better look at the target.  Precision, accuracy, trajectory, wind conditions, altitude, attitude, tone of voice, intention, audience, demographic. Good luck for me and Nice shot by Mr. J. L. Seagull.

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69 said...

i too was hit by bird shit today at around 9:47 at the corners of western and yesler. what gives?

Posted October 28, 2008 11:20 PM | Reply to this comment

jean-claude said...

Owning a dog is super fashionable in Paris, but cleaning up after them is not. They like to say that if you step in it with your left foot it's good luck, but I disagree. Isn't just not stepping in shit at all the best luck you can have?

Posted October 28, 2008 11:29 PM | Reply to this comment

scarred for life said...

dude, posting a photo like that was totally uncalled for. Or at least if you're into F'd stuff like that, give other people a warning first. I don't like looking at squashed human brains.

Posted October 29, 2008 01:15 AM | Reply to this comment

pilderwasser said...

I like it when people put up comments. I like it when people use their real names or at least nicknames some of us know or that make a point. "Hurt" I deleted the link you put up. Maybe you can put it up again and tell us about it and use your real name.

Posted October 29, 2008 07:32 AM | Reply to this comment

jon quon said...

swobo and pilderwasser two great tastes that taste great together

Posted October 29, 2008 01:31 PM | Reply to this comment

justin p said...

dicky-doo... do you think that J.L. Seagull was aiming for: A) your radio B)your bag C) Both D) the jobs in your bag, particularly those jobs which were going to be filed in the county of King or E) your exposed shoulder after you had removed your bag? or did i get the story wrong? i like to think of the seagull going for the open bag o' work that you just swung of your shoulder.

Posted October 29, 2008 02:17 PM | Reply to this comment

justin p replied to jean-claude...

I read a statistic that in France, approx 4,000 French people per year roll/sprain their ankles as a result of slipping in dog shit. I used to work/live in south France and that place was full of shitty little toy dogs that could just shit wherever they pleased with reckless abandon and not so much as a 'pardon mon chien monsiuer.' But then Molly Foster tells me that in gay Paris, dog shit was practically non-existent. Go figure?

Posted October 29, 2008 02:21 PM | Reply to this comment

jean-claude replied to justin p...

justin, that's a hilarious statistic. Please tell folly moster she's super lucky. I lived in that place 9 months and about all I did was accidently step in shit, although somehow almost every time with my right foot. perhaps they've forced scooping while banning smoking? again, go figure

Posted October 29, 2008 03:12 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder stickin dicky do replied to justin p...

I think Mr. Jon L. Seagull watched me take my bag off and hit me right on the right shoulder to show me he could have hit my King County filings, he could have hit my Nextel, he could have hit my forehead, yes. And he did a fly by after that and calmly stated "there's more where that came from"

Posted October 29, 2008 06:51 PM | Reply to this comment

pilderwasser replied to 69...

Traditionally, when Halloween falls on a Friday before a Presidential election with an out-going two-term president...the Tuesday preceding election day by one week, is a heavy bird shit day.

Posted October 29, 2008 08:34 PM | Reply to this comment

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