what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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Zeppelin II on cassette blaring from the one remaining speaker in the driver side door of a midnight blue B210

October 27, 2008


"Who’s there?"
"Control Freak - now you say, 'control freak who?'”


You don’t know what you got
till it’s gone

till it quit
till it got fired
till it started its own company

till it’s stolen off your bike
till it falls apart on a Tuesday
till it’s no longer sold in North America

till it moves to Boise
till it goes to grad school
till it breaks up with you

till it sets off the smoke alarm
till it clogs the toilet
till it pukes on your pillow

till it’s Eminent Domain’d  
till it’s sold to Sound Transit
till it’s sold back and goes condo

till it writes you a letter
till it moves in next door
till it marries your daughter

Control freak who?

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Case said...

I demand you all come down here on Saturday!

Posted October 28, 2008 08:38 AM | Reply to this comment

control said...

it 8 track, not cassette. cassettes didn't come about until the 80's. do what you want just do it right and i will be the defining what right is. it's 10-4 not 10-9. copy that and now go 10-100. don't think it do it, sure she's not crazy...yet.

Posted October 28, 2008 12:32 PM | Reply to this comment

redlip wasser replied to control...

yeah, it's a 73 B210 his older brother put in a cassette player and tried to wire in a few extra speakers too but only one still works. But the auto-reverse kicks ass. Just call him from outside 1001 and don't think he's going to tell you why.

Posted October 28, 2008 07:46 PM | Reply to this comment

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