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Cedar Rapids

October 25, 2008

Remember that weekend in Providence when we brought enough clothes for a family of four? We couldn’t even carry it on the bus. Remember that summer in Flagstaff when all we had was a pair of shorts and a t-shirt? Everything worked out fine

Would you like to get away and get some rest
Or do you just want to get away from here  because you’re restless

What are you looking for? where do you think you’ll find it?
Coeur d’ Alene? Cedar Rapids? Copenhagen? Cape Town?
or in that coffee shop on the corner
Are you traveling in search of something or
are you traveling to get away from something
Hide & Seek seeking or hiding  

Finding inspiration or reading an instruction manual
A loose suggestion or a rigid recipe
I’ll take a pinch, a dash, a sprinkle, a dollop
You’ll measure out 1 ¼ teaspoons and a level ¾ of a cup

You’re the left hand playing a constant predictable base line  
I’m the right hand going Thelonious allover the board

You’re the boy scout over prepared
I’m the hitchhiker winging it

I had one small pack traveling light over seas
You had two checked bags envisioning contingencies

It’s amazing what people can accomplish when they don’t have a choice
Acting out of necessity, emergency, catastrophe

It’s amazing how people freeze when they’re given choices
Weighed down by quantities, accessories, luxuries

I mention passing through casually
You’re carefully retyping the itinerary

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Kirk R. Dungan said...

When did you go traveling with my wife? Sorry 'bout the drunk comment earlier, I thought I was more sober then I was.

Posted October 25, 2008 02:31 PM | Reply to this comment

Case said...

I've typed up your itinerary for next weekend Mr. Pilderwasser. Saturday: Head down I-5 to Portland, OR in the late morning for a 2:00 pm appointment with the 40 year old party people, then impersonate the 24 hour party people impersonating a character from Caddyshack.

Posted October 25, 2008 05:05 PM | Reply to this comment

wasserpilder replied to Kirk R. Dungan...

word. Been more drunk there. Done more sober that. yes.

Posted October 25, 2008 08:51 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to Case...

copy. I've got a driver lined up or at least a registered vehicle owner that will let me drive while he vomits out the window on the way to Chehalis not to be confused with Centrailia drinking warm beer holding down some 39 year old party people trying not to poop in pants party people.

Posted October 25, 2008 08:56 PM | Reply to this comment

AMC said...

R U to be passing through CR??

Posted October 27, 2008 12:16 PM | Reply to this comment

Mark pilderWasser replied to AMC...

Howdy there AMC, no Iowa plans until late Julyish...RAGBRAI like. Unless I win the lottery and retire to Grinnell to spread the wealth, radiating from the 50112. But Cedar Rapids has a nice ring to it. I hope all is well in CR. Cheers to you.

Posted October 27, 2008 06:32 PM | Reply to this comment

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