no problem, we'll be right there

Cute punk bike messenger! You: Tall, sexy stallion with the most beautiful blue eyes and brightest smile. I see you all the time hanging out at monorail coffee looking adorable as ever. Nice punk tattoos, I like pizza too. Let's go for a ride some time...or maybe I'll just ride you.
When: Monday, October 20, 2008
Where: Monorail espresso
I saw a: Man
I am a: Woman
Date posted: Monday, October 20, 2008 in the Stranger I saw U

Six-pack of tall boys: $4.69
Burberry scarf: $295.00
DANK coozie: priceless
An ice-cold 75cent tallboy of Busch. A warm cuddly $295 swatch of Burberry wool. Two great tastes that taste great together. A juxtaposition that I will venture to say has not occurred until today, this 21st day of October, 2008 in Seattle, Washington. All made possible by a fortuitous ground score and those guys down at DANK bags who happen to know a thing or two about beer coozies, messenger bags, top tube pads, radio holsters and other stuff that messengers need.
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