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processions receding recession’s proceeding

October 20, 2008

*1201 Second Avenue

There’s a stillness in the air. People are holding their breath. Holding their wallets. Filling out their ballots.  Retail sales are down. But beer, wine & liquor* sales are strong, stronger than ever in some parts of the country.  People are worrying, saving, over thinking, smart shopping, downsizing but still drinking.

Some people fear their 401Ks are losing value 
Some people fear the next President of the United States
Some people fear carnies and their small hands
Some people fear bare-handedly-over-handled cheese
Some people fear undercooked pork products
Some people fear small confined spaces
Some people fear long-term relationships
Some people fear Shriners Conventions

I am afraid of zombies dressed as facilities management professionals toting small brooms and dustpans. I have this recurring paranoid fantasy acid trip bad dream where I’m  standing-by in the lobby of the PSP sitting in an Eames chair trying to read a well known paperback book but I’m constantly being harassed, poked and prodded by dudes with brooms and dustpans invading my personal space pretending to sweep up nonexistent invisible crumbs. Then I get up, walk outside to unlock my bike and it turns out it’s not a dream.

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higher truth said...

yes it is

Posted October 21, 2008 02:01 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to higher truth...

Copy that. So what should I do now?

Posted October 21, 2008 08:44 PM | Reply to this comment

Pilder replied to higher truth...

no, really. What should I do?

Posted October 22, 2008 08:12 PM | Reply to this comment

higher truth said...

fill your $295 cozy with a 16 oz. beer of choice and contemplate being the participant observer who has the privilege of being lost in the system of corporate greed, free and smelling as such. then remember the expensive cozy, and the fresh air. then breathe and continue existing in the dream. in short. there is nothing to do. you are living the dream.

Posted October 22, 2008 10:57 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to higher truth...

well said.

Posted October 23, 2008 08:57 AM | Reply to this comment

pilderwasser replied to higher truth...

PS. You appear to have a firm grasp of the pilderwasser philosophy.

Posted October 23, 2008 07:56 PM | Reply to this comment

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