what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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October 16, 2008

Provided by building management for your protection
give it a try, take a swing
just this once    Pro Hac Vice
just like President Truman said,
“We must cut down on the cost of living”
capillary action, soak it up, drink it in
write it down, let it sink in      begin
again start over commencement
graduated cylinder Bunsen burner
Erlenmeyer flask try a pint glass
of Majestic Unicorn IPA  

Not that I really need to
it’s that     you don’t want me to      so
it’s a game a challenge a dare an added bonus
because I can I could I will I would
so don’t bone us

That’s a mighty good gin & tonic R2
Why don’t you mix me up another

Convent pent up penthouse Whitehouse
there’s a tension under the surface
surface tension…read the meniscus
read between the lines look in the negative space
shinier than Milner and like Marcelle two-faced
doused in Liz Claiborne
fake hair fake nails fake tan fake tits
integrity honesty authenticity    absolutely
none of this I see
in a brief elevator conversation a premature revelation
of deep personal issues problems family matters
and we’re not even to the sky lobby yet
Red flags waving warning signs flashing
smile, nod and holy shit don’t make any more eye contact

                …please exit to the left

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20 said...

i was in the courthouse the other day(no really) and some lady was pissed because ABC would not do a job at 355pm to the court house . she had to come down and do it herself. I gave her my card, told her to call us anytime. THANKS ABC. what good is a double rush if you don't let them have it ?

Posted October 16, 2008 08:23 PM | Reply to this comment

21 said...

ahh, the abc "double rush". cute.

Posted October 16, 2008 08:53 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to 20...

I can't imagine ABC turning down a 30 minute to King, unless the caller was deadbeat Pro Se that hasn't paid her bill for 8 months and pops up on the 86 list. I've been in the hourly legal spin cycle since April 15, 1998 where like Bon Jovi says it's all the same, only the names'll change. Teener, next-day, ASAP, nooner, same day, double rush. WIFM. What's in it for me?

Posted October 16, 2008 09:39 PM | Reply to this comment

Warshington Legal said...

I copy you telling me how it is

Posted October 16, 2008 09:49 PM | Reply to this comment

Kirk R. Dungan said...

Well, my friend I'm F.U.B.A.R. and I don't quite no how to make sense of the last few posts but I will say this. "The missus and I will be in your neck of the woods a little before veterans day let's get together for a beer and some food at that six arms place, it's near where were staying and you know where it is.The other thing. Sometimes when people get fed up with where they're at they come to Alaska at least you've got friends here." With all love my brother. Kirk

Posted October 16, 2008 10:47 PM | Reply to this comment

Kirk R. Dungan said...

Oh yeah, watched the video. Someone once asked me what the difference between a standard job and a rush was. I pointed to a lawyer who hung out at the same coffee shop. I said. "You see Brad over there he's a buddy and a potentionel client, I see him lying on the road, on a standard job I'll stop check his vitals sall it in, etc. On a rush I'll try and bunny hop him, he's a buddy, take care of business then double back"

Posted October 17, 2008 12:53 AM | Reply to this comment

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