use seat bottom cushion for floatation
October 13, 2008
 “We all possess a predilection for lostness, some of us more than others. But lostness, like all talents, must be nurtured, developed and practiced in order to enjoy its benefits. Many of my friends know where they have been, where they are and where they are headed. How sad.”
To my left I see a whirlwind, a wind tunnel, a twister, a dirt devil, a whole lot of shit blowing around or whatever you call it in your zip code. I enjoy this time of year when the fallen leaves help to illustrate the wind tunnels in the core like a smoke machine brings out lasers at a bad metal show. There are plastic bags, napkins, Styrofoam containers, q-tips, those little nasty single tooth floss pick things, lost Larouche literature, misdirected absentee ballots and a whole lotta leaves blowing around and around up 3 or 4 stories in front of 1001.
Straight ahead I see Yacky locking up at the bike rack.
To my right I see a guy with a broom and dustpan sweeping up one leaf at a time, one fucking leaf at a time.
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marble cereal
marble madness
Posted October 14, 2008 09:09 PM
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replied to marble cereal...
are you the guy from PSP
that takes his job too seriously?
Posted October 15, 2008 10:43 PM
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