what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

pilderwasser unlimited T-shirts  pilder what? kickstand P know knew spew snap shots autoBIKEography RAGBRAI  slide shows phot-o-rama stationary-a-gogo 1/2 x 3/32 links

analog digital analog digital

October 11, 2008

Sofa King ess ay tea you are dee ay why...

 Are you a messenger?

I’m an artist, I'm a writer and I wanna dance

Well do you know where the Pike Place Market is?

Yeah it’s that way

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P77 said...

Reminds me of The Replacements answer to big label demands for MTV presence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap0p7mhu4w0

Posted October 11, 2008 12:08 PM | Reply to this comment

pilderwasssssser replied to P77...

word. the act of putting a record on, turning a record over, being careful with the needle, the dust, the sleeve, the album cover artwork, the rpms, and this song in particular...it all reminds me of people places and things. cheers. I am sofakingsaturdaynight

Posted October 11, 2008 07:37 PM | Reply to this comment

P77 replied to pilderwasssssser...

I can't tell you how many Saturday nite's I spent enduring high school locked in my room playing vinyl and recording mix tapes. I used to record sound bites off the tv and drop em in between Ozzy and Black Flag and create some little artsy-tape shit that I would find thoroughly obnoxious two weeks later. I guess if you are a young un these days you rip music off the web and burn it to disk, seems so far removed. Record albums have big art and liner notes with pictures and you have to flip sides (!). I am glad you know. I appreciate your appreciation. sofakingloudandsofakinglouder.

Posted October 12, 2008 01:50 PM | Reply to this comment

pnp, buckies said...

sandwiched by the extinct

Posted October 13, 2008 10:06 AM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to pnp, buckies...

PNP, MDR, PM, Buckys, ENA, Elliott Bay, who's next? Seattle Legal? PB&J

Posted October 13, 2008 08:34 PM | Reply to this comment

Wendy said...

Choice record.

Posted October 13, 2008 11:57 PM | Reply to this comment

Mr. Pilder Wasser replied to Wendy...

choice record choice. Hey you have a good day Wendy.

Posted October 14, 2008 08:45 AM | Reply to this comment

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