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five (5) days a week

October 10, 2008

You just might be a messenger if you recognize new security staff in large office buildings, not by sight - although nothing commands respect like an ill-fitting blue blazer, gray slacks and steeltoed black shoes except maybe a meter maid on a Segway - but by their tone of voice and their overly friendly unnecessary verbal greetings. This behavior wears off in 5 to 7 working days. There’s a fresh one at 801 2nd this week and he’s still all into his job.

You could be an urban cyclist if you recognize from a safe distance the “significant other pick-up / drop-off” This is where a car stops in the road for no apparent reason and one or more of the doors fly open and one or more of the people get out of the car. Sometimes one spouse, domestic partner, lover, boyfriend or girlfriend getting dropped off on their way to work. Sometimes both get out as they switch drivers. The process is reversed at the end of the day.  It’s dangerous for cyclists but when you’ve seen it enough times it falls into a  pattern. I like to roll by clear of the opening doors and say “thank you honey”

You might be a messenger if you have a GroundHogDayFeeling that you done this all before… …because you have, a gazillion times.

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mom said...

hi mark--wow, i even missed messenger appreciation day. that is typical of one who can miss most, more, some, any, all of the above. I mostly miss sun and think of you everytime I have to wonder how to wring out my rain coat. Just watched the video. it is fine summary of the debate--although i can't hear the sound. this morning i even dialed the wrong 800 number. wall street maain street one way street meryl street. closed for repair.

Posted October 10, 2008 12:35 PM | Reply to this comment

what? said...

you totally have the same writing style as your mom.

Posted October 10, 2008 02:04 PM | Reply to this comment

Stevil said...

Bless you and all you do.

Posted October 10, 2008 09:10 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to what?...

I'm pretty sure that really is my mom

Posted October 10, 2008 11:39 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to Stevil...

and also with you

Posted October 11, 2008 12:31 AM | Reply to this comment

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