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ten nine?

October 9, 2008

happy birthday 87 happy birthday to you


You might be a messenger if on 10-9 Day International Messenger Appreciation Day the only appreciation you get is from other messengers.


Did you ever know that you're my hero? You're everything I wish I could be...

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Kirk R. Dungan said...

In Anchorage there will be the loneliest 10-9 day party at Darwin's. The old guy will usually by a drink for the rookies (if there are any), the out of towners and exengers. He's nice that way. I'm tempted to buy a round of Red Hots and after they ring the bell and before the ritual cheer of "Hooooo!" I will shout, "It's 10-9 day so I hope you fuckers appreciate me!" If your riding down best to put the studs on, we've got some snow this morning.

Posted October 9, 2008 12:38 PM | Reply to this comment

Kirk R. Dungan said...

Well the 10-9 day party was quite the success, in spite of low attendance. All the working messengers showed up but none of the usual exengers made it. Four beers were slammed symbolizing the four corner of the messenger world. A couple more in case we missed anyone. Then t G St. echoed with shouts of. "Anchorage 10-9 day whoo hoo!" As the group ride made it's way to the Coastal trail. Greeting every cyclist we met with. "Happy 10-9!" All arrived safely at the McKay-Dungan ranch for the after party. Just because you're left to play with yourself, don't mean you can't make an event of it. With you in spirits, Kirk

Posted October 9, 2008 09:11 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder wasser replied to Kirk R. Dungan...

Yo Mr. KRD cheers. I wish I was on that group ride. I wish I could walk into a large lawfirm in Seattle and yell "I hope you fuckers appreciate me" yes

Posted October 10, 2008 11:46 PM | Reply to this comment

Kirk R. Dungan said...

That's what I like about the small to mid-size firms. You know they appreciate you. I didn't tell a couple firms about 10-9 day on the off chance they'd want to get a cake and ice cream, would have been nice but it would have cut into my drinking time. I like to make a big deal out of the day. I rather like the notion that while I'm riding home to the wife and kitten with a good buzz going. So are messengers all over the country. Almost like we're in sync.

Posted October 12, 2008 04:23 PM | Reply to this comment

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