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is that for Here or To Go?

October 6, 2008

May I please have the chicken nachos

May I please have 25 more psi
a baby-smooth contact patch
very little rolling resistance and still
have enough friction to dive into corners

May I please have job security
an annual cost of living pay increase
paid holidays and relatively little horseshit

May I please have full fenders
and on an average day keep
my socks dry until at least 11:00am

May I please “fall back” this year
with confidence and grace and perhaps
a little help from drugs and alcohol

May I please don my little blinky lights
and retain the knowledge
that comes from experience and
realize… I’m still invisible

May I please finish this King run
and exit the courthouse to find
my bike in one piece

May I please comprehend the concept
of a water resistant - wind resistant shell and
wear varying layers of wool and synthetic fiber

May I please weather the storm of
elevator questions that come with
A change in the weather

May I please turn the other cheek
the other ass cheek
the one with the U-lock

May I please enjoy a quiet lunch break
without Mr. Gas Powered Leaf Blower blowing
without Mr. Dust Pan Sweeper sweeping
moving me along for no good reason

May I please drop out of Electoral College
and cling to the misconception that the popular vote counts

May I please get one more for the road
And one for my friend too ?

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