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October 4, 2008

 “Cyclists are open-minded. Cyclists are egalitarian. Cyclists share a fellowship of the wheel that can overcome all political, social, racial and economic barriers. Except for recumbents.”

--Ted Constantino


Thanks for the book Sugarbear.
The Quotable Cyclist by Bill Strickland


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520 Pike said...

W rides a t-wreck mtn bike with an official presidential seal while listening to brown eyed girl.(which i think is a vague reference to the 'brown eye') our lady jake says of hipsters,'they're on a bike why do you give a shit beyond that.' word. today i have a x-race at the bankrupt tamarack and came to this site for my nerves. its all about the bike.

Posted October 5, 2008 09:17 AM | Reply to this comment

pilder said...

it's all about the bike. word. Do you remember when we used to sing, Sha la la la la la la la la la la te da

Posted October 5, 2008 09:35 AM | Reply to this comment

Anything But That said...

A recumbent is just a high-chair on wheels for grown-up babies who are afraid of riding a real bike. sort of like a trike is for wusses and people who are otherwise too fat for a real bike. I'm un-PC and i don't care. i don't ride a bike to be comfortable, if i wanted that, i hook a stationary bike up to my lazy boy.

Posted October 5, 2008 03:02 PM | Reply to this comment

cat replied to 520 Pike...

ahh, the wise lady jake.

Posted October 6, 2008 08:28 AM | Reply to this comment

Kirk R. Dungan said...

I like recumbents, if it weren't for recumbents my lovely wife couldn't ride for longer then a half-hour. But still I remember what some of my Harley riding friends used to say about Japanese motorcycles.. "It's like getting a blow job from a (place insulting term for male homosexuals here.), It might feel good but you wouldn't want any of your friends to see you doing it."

Posted October 6, 2008 02:11 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to Kirk R. Dungan...

Cheers to you Mr. Dungan. Insert moped, razor scooter, roller blade, mini cooper etc jokes here...Word. WWSPD

Posted October 6, 2008 08:56 PM | Reply to this comment

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