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one significant impact

October 3, 2008

powdered sugar     powdered donuts
sugar coated      powder coated
frame fork fenders racks stem
all together now
as well as a frame pump and bottle cages
at home in storage
matching saddle bar tape cable housing

too much - It’s never enough
However this bike is actually ridden
functional versatile durable
not too much fluffy trendy shit
one of these kids is doing his own thing

 You might be a messenger…

…if you can gage how busy you were by how many binder clips you pull out of your bag in the morning. Not by how many miles you rode, not by how much weight you’ve lost, not by how much money you took home, not by how many attorneys you saved.

…if you can gage the local real estate market by how much drool is running off the chin of a title insurance messenger standing by in a comfortable office building lobby chair.

…if you can gage the local economy and realize it’s gone to shit when your 2 year old skanked out busted helmet gets stolen off your bike around noon at City Center as if the perpetrator envisioned a blown out sweat soaked road grimed hard worn stinky messenger helmet could be worth something.

…if you must choose between buying a new helmet and paying your rent

…if you’ve blown out 3 pairs of bike shoes since the last time you purchased a pair of normal civilian shoes.

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