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Jonny Sundt Tim Mason Thomas Dolby

September 30, 2008

Today I saw John Hinckley Jr. riding a recumbent slowly on Malden Ave East near Safeway, he had an orange flag and all, Travis Bickle was tearing shit up on a BMX not far behind hitting all the curbs and the root popped sidewalks, catching big air. Hinckley’s parents and older brother were driving like tourists a half a block back in what was obviously a rental car and I think Neil Bush was in the car too. I gave them a half ass thumbs up. Then later on, on Warren Ave North I spotted Thomas Dolby on a tricycle with Miss Sakamoto standing on the back, her hands on his shoulders and good heavens let me tell you she was beautiful, they asked me how to find the Space Needle. Somewhere around the 2:30 lull I saw David Koresh walking up Pike on the sidewalk pushing a cute little fixie with the bars hacked down way too small. He was with 5 or 6 very attractive women, or actually girls and he was wearing really tight stretchy black pants and two or three studded belts and a big empty RE Load bag. And then after work winding down at Monorail I’m pretty sure I saw your father-in-law on a Jonny Sundt cross bike. I just saw his reflection in the window and by the time I turned around he was behind a bus but I think it was him.

I read it on line it must be true.


Yesterday I saw a fair weather commuter (FWC) bombing down Pine Street in the bike lane around 8:15am. Displaying an overblown sense of confidence riding between the thin white painted lines as if they extended upward to infinity like the plane of the goal line. As if they offered extra protection, entitlement or enhanced visibility for chuffers in white button down shirts toting laptops on sunny days. When traffic stacked up at Harvard Avenue behind a car waiting to take a left, a car several spots back in line popped out to the right and cutoff FWC. From my perspective it wasn’t even that close and anyway that’s what cars do, and like Robert Hurst says, that’s what traffic is. People stop using turn signals the day they get their license, get used to it. But FWC stopped and went back to yell at the driver who was pulled over near Seattle Central. He yelled “what the fuck was that” and the driver, a young mom with her kid in the front seat just flipped him off. Nothing was accomplished except both parties left with a bad taste in their mouths, and all before 8:30 on a Monday morning. It reminded me of my younger days. But now I realize if I got that pissed off every time a car came within 25 feet of me I wouldn’t last 4 hours.

Today, here in late 2008, I pick my battles and save my energy like Tim Mason.

Out in traffic on a bike the eye contact, the head nod, the hand gestures, the yelling , the expectoration, it’s all there, in your face as a driver. It’s not diluted, censored, redirected, buffered, sheltered, reflected, refracted or protected by the big steel shell of an automobile. It’s right there, it’s real, it’s scary, it’s loud, it’s profane, it’s me and my adrenaline at your window, in your face. Here I am. Rock you like a hurricane.

The other side of that coin is there is nothing protecting me on my bike in traffic from the big steel shell of your automobile.


What Would Mason Do?      WWMD


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mary! said...

i saw danny bonaduce at 7th and pine. i guess he is moonlighting as a painter now. oh and i saw telly sevalis when i was on capital hill doin the Mental. he is shorter in real life then you would think. i was disappointed. whats new?

Posted September 30, 2008 08:25 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder said...

word. I forgot to tell you, I saw Randy Weaver too, he was on a skateboard with a shotgun that was sawed off a bit too short but he was shredding. Oh and speaking of Danny, I saw a little kid in a Reuben Kincaid mask, it was spooky. I bet his mom doesn't even know who the Partridge Family was.

Posted September 30, 2008 09:55 PM | Reply to this comment

Milkshake said...

I saw Danny Glover today. He's aged well.

Posted September 30, 2008 11:33 PM | Reply to this comment

comic book guy at 1 union said...

i joined jenny craig and today i saw my penis for the first time in 34 years. its shorter than i expected and hasn't aged well. i am going to dicks!

Posted October 1, 2008 12:15 AM | Reply to this comment

Kirk R. Dungan said...

I thought I saw Ted Nugent the other day. He comes up here to hunt BTW I herd he's banned from the small mountain town of Talkeetna for chasing after 14yrold girls.One more of Kirk's fun Alaska facts.

Posted October 1, 2008 10:13 AM | Reply to this comment

Justin replied to Milkshake...

Ahhh Portland. It ain't the PDX without a Danny Glover sighting. (It's the much cooler equivalent of a Seattle Steve Poole sighting).

Posted October 1, 2008 11:40 AM | Reply to this comment

Justin replied to Kirk R. Dungan...

Palin Nugent 2012. Think about what a perfect GOP ticket that is man! Hey Kirk, where are your fun Palin facts?

Posted October 1, 2008 11:42 AM | Reply to this comment

Kirk R. Dungan replied to Justin...

Fun Palin fact, she can be vindictive. Ask Trooper Wooten? That's why the only thing I'll say in public is. She's very pretty and a brilliant polliticion. If the republicans let her off the leash they might win this one. Anyway, back to work.

Posted October 1, 2008 01:09 PM | Reply to this comment

Kirk R. Dungan replied to Kirk R. Dungan...

One more thing while I have time if it should come to pass, I will be proud in a strange way. The last time I felt the same sort of pride when Robert Hansen was a suspect for the green river killings beside his own "work". At least one of ours can play on a national level.

Posted October 1, 2008 11:58 PM | Reply to this comment

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