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good old boys

September 30, 2008

The reporter from Bloomberg asked me about the $700 billion bailout. I said it was horseshit. But he left that part out of the article There is no doubt however that my poorly informed opinion from the streets of Seattle caused the stock market to plunge at an alarming rate yesterday.

Those guys at DANK bags say, money talks.

But Pham told me, people talk and money buys whiskey.

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Orange Swobo Hat said...

Pilder said he may lose business from the global credit crisis because many of his deliveries go to the headquarters of WAmu. --remember when I would sit in your bag as you moved your hand passed me, to grab your wallet of the same colour? And the security guards would fumble around on their 2nd hour of "issuing guest passes" ever? Then we would go to floor 25 and visit the lovely Jamie Buhl--where did she go?Then they told us we had to go to floor 26 and navigate the sea of cubicles until we could find 1 out of 11 people who could accept service. Sigh.

Posted September 30, 2008 10:18 AM | Reply to this comment

quote #2 said...

"Bad pros make more then good amateurs" -Greg Lemond

Posted September 30, 2008 09:22 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to quote #2...

a hand in the bush is worth two birds

Posted September 30, 2008 09:38 PM | Reply to this comment

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