what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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nine two five - oh eight

September 25, 2008

You know it’s a small town when you’re out on Westlake North riding back into town with 40 pounds of shit in your bag eating a breakfast burrito from PCC in Fremont and right where the road chokes down to one lane for construction you let a line of cars pass you and then as you’re waving the burrito in your left hand telling the last car to hurry up and pass they honk and yell at you to get out of the road and it turns out to be your ex girlfriend in her new boyfriends truck and that 40 pounds of shit just got a lot heavier.

---true messenger words paraphrased 9/19/8 7:30pmish in the 98102
What’s that on your sweater?

People think it’s snot
you know it’s not
Out back in the parking lot
housing low income seniors
Drinking 16oz Rainiers
watching the sunset over Walgreens
Low income seniors watching over us
Pine cones pine needles pine tar
sticky  sticking  stuck to my sweater
People think it’s snot
but it’s not

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sirena said...

http://www.everythingthathappens.com/order.html dude per our convo, check it!

Posted September 25, 2008 03:49 PM | Reply to this comment

John Couger said...

I was born in a small town, yeah thats alright with me.

Posted September 25, 2008 05:34 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to sirena...

copy that. I like to walk to the "record" store and purchase my music and walk home and play the music and sit on the couch an listen to it. cheers

Posted September 25, 2008 06:47 PM | Reply to this comment

Mark Pilder Mellencamp replied to John Couger...

dude, I was born in Bloomington fucking Indiana. I copy you. Times two.

Posted September 25, 2008 06:48 PM | Reply to this comment

69 said...

IU. i've been there. didn't know you were a hoosier?

Posted September 25, 2008 09:31 PM | Reply to this comment

Pham said...

Indianola, WA.

Posted September 26, 2008 03:18 AM | Reply to this comment

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