what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

pilderwasser unlimited T-shirts  pilder what? kickstand P know knew spew snap shots autoBIKEography RAGBRAI  slide shows phot-o-rama stationary-a-gogo 1/2 x 3/32 links

weight loss program

September 17, 2008

jeet kune do in the PSP lobby...whatever it takes

 one one nine one bike rack 

Superior Court in and for the County of King

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Kirk R. Dungan said...

The fellow in the first photo looks an awful lot like an old buddy of mine named Gunner but up here we called him Woody. Haven't seen him in decades. If that should be the same guy, tell him Kirk says "Hi".

Posted September 17, 2008 08:48 PM | Reply to this comment

Chevis said...

Up here, they call me "Grey Goat," onna'count of I got a grey goatee.

Posted September 18, 2008 12:39 AM | Reply to this comment

520pike said...

dickstank, i am going to tell the cats with the 'warlocks' bike club about the liver dance shirt. they are huge fans, and they will get a kick out of this. they're hosting the 4th annual 'hellracer', october in boise fucking not your friends ex its just your turn Idaho-warlocksbicycleclub.blogspot.com-. word

Posted September 18, 2008 07:47 AM | Reply to this comment

520pike said...

amendment: wbcboise.blogspot.com for the upcomming hellracer. its 420 can you come back to strictmatter kesler and then spin as fast as you can to king? do you copy?.....do you copy?

Posted September 18, 2008 08:00 AM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to 520pike...

copy Shitmatter. copy Boise it's just my turn Idaho.

Posted September 18, 2008 08:06 AM | Reply to this comment

Case said...

I got your dependability bonus Mark, remember that one? If you make it then you have the honor of splitting your jobs 50/50. If not then the coke head and the motorcycle bitch make for on your back than you do. Does anyone have a purple jersey?

Posted September 18, 2008 07:49 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to Case...

ten-four. copy that Case. I need a purple jersey too.

Posted September 18, 2008 11:35 PM | Reply to this comment

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