what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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red zone

September 9, 2008

Are you warm enough?
You’re hot!
Well into the red zone
Like mayonnaise at the company picnic

Contact patch tread patterns
Traction friction air pressure
Rolling     resistance is futile

Work is for suckers. Get a job.
All arbeit and no play makes
No sense no class in class out class
Beyond category         HC
Not fat    big boned
Ectomorph endomorph mesomorph
Outdated classifications

Hey Nick can I get my totals?
Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was

You want it all you say
Just seeing the pros jealously
Ignoring the cons with blinders on
You don’t want it all
Single married renting buying
Ready to travel
About to settle down
Inside outside come around
Who’s that?

It’s my pleasure to introduce you to
Ms. Alotta Greyscale
Regional Vice President        of the
Chiaroscuro Continuum Council

Pick drop clip in clip out
901 5th Avenue entrance
Bike shoes grinding like
Your grandma’s teeth

That’s not pattern baldness
That’s a yarmulke
This isn’t a Dockers commercial
This is the lobby of Two Union
It’s not an after school special
It’s really what messengers do

I copy you thinking that
You’re telling me how it is
I encourage you to continue
To cling to that misconception
If that’s working for you

The grass is always greener
and I’m the guy on the other side
Setting up the sprinklers and
Pushing the lawn mower

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AMC said...

The grass is really green in Iowa.. :)

Posted September 10, 2008 10:22 AM | Reply to this comment

MBP replied to AMC...

Howdy there. You're right, it grows like weeds in Iowa. Cheers.

Posted September 11, 2008 07:36 AM | Reply to this comment

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