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Ex Parte

September 8, 2008

You might be a messenger if you snapped a brake cable last Tuesday and ignored it and you’re still riding it out.

You might be a messenger if your bag falls off the x-ray machine at the courthouse and 45 condoms cascade all over the floor.

You might be a messenger if you haven’t taken a shower for 9 days.

You might be a messenger if you recycle your cans inside the courthouse.

You might be a messenger if turning it inside out is as good as washing it.

You might be a messenger if you can smell free food across town.

You might be a messenger if you get your own elevator.

Monday Vocabulary review:

Campagnolo Italian for “not compatible”

Concierge French for ass kisser

Ex Parte Latin for 4:15pm

Flight Attendant Replacements "waitress in the sky"

Kobe Japanese for “put out your cigarette”

Kybo Iowan for honeybucket

Lincoln Town Car Arabic for glorified taxi cab

Roadmaster  messenger for $2.00

Subpoena Latin for “I got something for you”

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Kirk R. Dungan said...

You might be a messenger if the courthouse security can't find the knife like object in your bag, you help them look for it, none of you can find it and they still let you through. Non-rush State Supreme Court filing= It's still 5 bucks but some how you feel a little more important doing it. BTW I might drop by your office around veterans day remind me to put some Midnight Sun Coffee Rhino Porter in my suitcase, you might want some for when your not sure where you are on the coffee beer cycle.

Posted September 8, 2008 08:55 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to Kirk R. Dungan...

word. I like the sound of that. You never know where the coffee-beer wheel will stop. Be prepared.

Posted September 8, 2008 09:14 PM | Reply to this comment

Kirk R. Dungan replied to pilder...

Yeah, I saw that one in the store and my first thought. Mark might like this.

Posted September 8, 2008 09:25 PM | Reply to this comment

chatty cathy said...

you might be a messenger when the deputy at king county pulls your glass pipe from your bag after the x-ray, admonishes you for knowing better and then sends you on your way. you might be a messenger when your vocabulary exceeds that of all the paralegals and 87.3% of the lawyers in said area.

Posted September 9, 2008 07:05 AM | Reply to this comment

jon quon said...

beer thirty- messenger for 9am

Posted September 9, 2008 08:26 AM | Reply to this comment

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