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jesus built my hotrod

September 7, 2008


I'm not sure about Jesus but I've put in 12 good years at the Elysian, I like beer,  I know who Dave is, I've been to Whitman College and I think Grinnell is better but I like big schooners...


there's a new album/slideshow growing for your own safety on the phot-o-rama page


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Pham said...

12 years ago, I was 13. Did I tell you Jesus lied to me today, what a liar. Thanks for representing the universal ped Xing sign, I hope you have 2 million people of a portfolio by winter time. So...yeah...see ya'll soon. Is it raining bitches? I'm out for reals sucka fools.

Posted September 7, 2008 10:19 PM | Reply to this comment

bike nob said...

the rake on your fork disgusts me. it is bent. unacceptable.

Posted September 18, 2008 12:45 AM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to bike nob...

that's stock Fuji. 27 inch steel. Perhaps the radially laced front wheel is making the rake look more pronounced. You're right it's a wicked rake. But it was built that way and it's still rocking the OEM headset. At least it's not trying to be some tight ass fix conversion on the most slack geometry in North America.

Posted September 19, 2008 12:01 AM | Reply to this comment

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