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don't mess with Mayberry

September 5, 2008

Friday September 5, 2008    11:27am
Seattle, Washington
5th Avenue at Pike Street

This is one of Seattle’s finest writing a Jaywalking ticket to a young couple with their small child in a stroller. Blocking the right lane of 5th avenue and making a big show of it. The couple was relatively good natured and courteous during the whole ordeal. They were actually incredulous, and maybe just waiting for the camera to walk out with Alan Funt because it was such a bunch of horseshit. I couldn’t hear it all but I watched a lot of it and I was imagining them saying to their kid “look honey this is a Seattle cop, he has nothing better to do. See his moustache, see his big motorcycle, see his sunglasses. Yeah pretend like you respect him for doing his job. Look how he is teaching us a lesson. Look how small Seattle really is. When we get back to Boise we can tell everyone how much horseshit we saw in Seattle”

About 6 minutes earlier this same cop wrote up a messenger with a no-helmet ticket. This messenger was riding from 1601 5th  to 1420 5th with his helmet clipped to his bag. This is literally 1.3 blocks. This messenger could do that ride blindfolded with no hands and one foot on a fixed gear uphill in traffic with six rolls from KPFF to Calison. That is like going to Safeway in flip flops to get a six pack. That is horseshit. Mr. Cop was all inflated after that and ready to take on tourist families for Jaywalking.

When I snapped this photo and walked back to my bike, the guy who was behind the cop started yelling at me about taking his picture. And I said I wasn’t taking his picture I was taking that cop’s picture. And he continued to yell and try to argue calling me a punkass bitch and lots of other things. All I could do was laugh because it was only 11:30am.

About six hours later Chief Kerlikowske was riding around the sidewalks of the core fully kitted out in SPD gear. It’s a great to get the Chief of Police on the street riding a mountain bike. Right on. It won’t get us out of Mayberry but it’s a nice gesture.

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RedKev said...

So, that's one ticket for the man, one for the woman, and one for the baby, right? Does the baby ticket go to the man or the woman? 3 down on the quota, all the while, if the cop just turned around it sounds like he could have caught someone off the FBI most wanted list.

Posted September 6, 2008 11:19 AM | Reply to this comment

fadurfix said...

if they are truly from boise they are going to frame that ticket, put it on the wall, tell all their friends and then their friends here in boise will start a jaywalking ticket movement. pretty soon everyone in boise will be hip to the new fad of jaywalking. why? first, because it came from seattle so there for it has to be cool and second, if there is one thing that boise loves it is a fad.

Posted September 6, 2008 05:47 PM | Reply to this comment

Kirk R. Dungan said...

Nothing like a bored cop with a ticket book. I'm looking forward to winter just because the foot patrols will either stop or be fewer.Meanwhile it's hot and cold running crack in the shitier parts of town just don't even think of running a red downtown

Posted September 7, 2008 03:56 PM | Reply to this comment

Fix yer fade replied to fadurfix...

To "fadurfix", I'm from Boise and I have never framed a moving violation ticket: pedestrian, bicycle or otherwise. Seattle loves it's fads as does every other fucking city in this idiotic country. Some places just get into theirs earlier than others. I'm guessing you just got into this one and were lucky enough to find a killer blog like Pilder's to chime in on.

Posted September 8, 2008 10:24 PM | Reply to this comment

justin p said...

i rode down to the court house with that turd yesterday. i'm pretty sure his plate frame says "pitbull." and i am certain his moustache means business.

Posted September 9, 2008 09:24 AM | Reply to this comment

esra said...

I got a 'no helmet' ticket from this guy, around the same date. He goes "Ma'am you dont have a helmet" No shit...

Posted January 11, 2009 01:54 PM | Reply to this comment

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