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bacon grease keeps the rain out

September 3, 2008

Conversation gets the word out
Agitation gets the dirt out
Legislation gets the herd out

Repetition gets… ...boring

Hey I’m getting on an elevator
I’m about to lose you

yeah sorry I’m not a people person
this is my Aunt GunShy
and Uncle HairTrigger
Oh and oh yeah and my cousins
The boy who cried wolf   and
The girl from Ipanema

We’ll meet up around 2 at the aviary
teriyaki beef jerky
spicy chicken yakisoba
beef & bean burritos
half a pound of Jo Jos
just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale

addiction   distraction
addition   subtraction
plus minus good bad yin yang on off
positive negative
attractive repulsive
meanwhile have another beer


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Steve said...

I heard that chicken fat keeps the chain lubed.

Posted September 4, 2008 10:24 AM | Reply to this comment

Pham said...

I heard that you can deep fry chicken with Kathy Milner's face grease. Speaking of bacon grease however, one time my buddy Dirty Uncle Eli covered himself in lard under a wet suit and swam from Indianola to Bainbridge Island. The lard was the only way he could make it, it was winter time. Oh, and my eldest brother use to cry wolf. He was climbing the fence in the back yard, slipped and broke his arm. He was screaming for over ten minutes hanging on the fence by his ulna & radius. My mom heard all of it, but didn't do a thing. He use to pull those jokes too often.

Posted September 4, 2008 10:55 AM | Reply to this comment

pilderwasser replied to Pham...

that'll teach ya to cry woof. Peter and the woof playing the oboe smoking mary ja wanna hanging by your ulna. And like Steve said chicken fat will keep your chain in good shape all the way from Taiwan to Counterbalance to your bike to 401 2nd South and back. Oh and send those post cards to Suite 2800 even though we know the mail room is on 27.

Posted September 4, 2008 09:41 PM | Reply to this comment

Rick Neuheisel replied to Steve...

I encourage you and your BYU to beat the shit out of UW for obvious reasons that my history illustrates clearly. However when you meet my UCLA anything goes and I've got $20,000 on my team to win. Oh I've got $30,000 on you to beat the huskies so don't fuck it up.

Posted September 4, 2008 10:01 PM | Reply to this comment

pilderwasser replied to Pham...

PS I wanna check out Eli's parents long distance swimming house. You can cover yourself in lard and swim there and I'll take the bus and meet you there.

Posted September 4, 2008 10:20 PM | Reply to this comment

sirena & ccrider said...

tall & tan & young & lovely.. THE BOY from Impenema. abstraction, construction, white river rafting down the waters of March.... the empty can will be found, just keep looking and you will see, figure it out Pilder!

Posted September 5, 2008 12:46 AM | Reply to this comment

Pham replied to pilderwasser...

Done & done.

Posted September 5, 2008 09:36 AM | Reply to this comment

Steve replied to Rick Neuheisel...

Are you going to pay a ten percent tithe on the money you win of the huskies losing? As far as the showdown next week with yous guys-You're gonna lose a bunch of money, and your returned missionary QB won't be able to help you. P.S. jesus hates you.

Posted September 5, 2008 01:07 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to sirena & ccrider...

I woke up this morning and found three empty cans in my bag and 2 sixpack rings. But I'm still looking, hoping to see. not expecting to figure it out.

Posted September 7, 2008 09:59 AM | Reply to this comment

Ricky Neuheisel replied to Steve...


Posted September 7, 2008 11:42 AM | Reply to this comment

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