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manual Labor Day

September 1, 2008

At any given moment, there’s a good chance you’ll find Skunk sleeping soundly in the closet atop an old DANK bag that contains another DANK bag that contains a PAC bag that contains a Timbuk 2 bag. And that sums up my messenger career.

Skunk is sleeping so well because she’s in it for the long haul. Minor fluctuations, disturbances, trends, booms, busts, changes, people, companies, careers. She’s seen them come. She’s seen them go. She’s seen the big picture.

Or maybe she’s sleeping so well because that’s all she does.

You make it a point
to buy organic locally grown produce
but lately you’ve been discouraged because
it’s such a pain in the ass to find parking

You make me kind of sick
Go buy bike
Go by bike
Good bye car

It’s not that easy?
it is that easy
It comes in waves phases layers
Stratigraphy chronology history
Do you see?
Optician Optometrist Ophthalmologist
anthropologist artist cyclist
You get the gist

If you fix other people’s bikes
Does it help your bike karma?
If you steal other people’s bikes
Does it hurt your bike karma?





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Pham said...

If you hoard other people's bikes, does it help your hoarding karma? YES!!!!!

Posted September 3, 2008 12:12 AM | Reply to this comment

Pham said...

If you hoard other people's bikes, does it help your hoarding karma? YES!!!!!

Posted September 3, 2008 12:13 AM | Reply to this comment

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