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another foot soldier in General Malaise's Army

August 22, 2008

Come Monday, it'll be alright

All the healthy attitude, pleasant outlook, discipline, motivation and goal oriented focus found briefly over the weekend, wore off by Monday afternoon. By Wednesday, swimming in a fog, staring at an extra large indifference salad with a side of malaise. But by Friday things don’t seem so bad.

Everyone has their own ways to avoid the bummer life

It’s all in what you focus on. If you choose to ignore something, you’re just aiming your focus on something else. Pay attention, ignore, drown out, eat more Cheetos, smoke another pack, suppress it, repress it, displace it, deal with it, distract, go for a walk or view through the bottom of a pint glass. 220...221...whatever it takes.

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Bill said...

Michael Keaton: "Yeah, I'm rewiring the house" Martin Mull: "Oh yeah, are you going with 220" Michael Keaton: "220, 221, whatever it takes,"

Posted August 22, 2008 02:00 PM | Reply to this comment

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