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August 19, 2008

this time it's for real

until next time

The pendulum keeps swinging. Eventually it will catch up and pass you.
But don’t worry, you’ll catch it on the way back. Or just sit and wait for it.

tonight will be fine


Please, can I just get some advice?

You might be a messenger (or a dispatcher) if you wake up somewhere sometime fully clothed or completely naked at home or in a strange place and you blink your eyes a few times trying to focus on a digital clock. But instead of seeing time you see an address: 10:01 - 6:35 - 21:01 - 9:09 - 11:11 - 14:20 - 3:33 - 6:06 - 4:25

it's all fun and games until somebody poops their pants

On a rainy day following a long string of sun, one tends to be underdressed.
On a sunny day following a long string of rain, one tends to be overdressed.
On and on. So it goes

Water proof.
It keeps the rain out and it keeps the sweat in.
Would you rather be soaked in rain or soaked in sweat?

Water resistant. Breathable.
It doesn’t really keep the rain out and it sort of lets the sweat out.
Half-assing it both ways just might be better than fully committing one way

middle of the road milquetoast

Would you rather wear a Rock Racing team kit or a Candy Striper Uniform?

you can only choose one and you must wear it to work all day long

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woof said...


Posted August 19, 2008 08:34 PM | Reply to this comment

Pillow Officer replied to woof...

One time thought I heard a woof so went outside got real sick, got ammonia, went to hospital ambliance. Mom got books from liberry woofs.

Posted August 19, 2008 09:04 PM | Reply to this comment

woof replied to Pillow Officer...

the liberry woofs like purple haze,listen to jimi, you might survive.

Posted August 19, 2008 10:03 PM | Reply to this comment

wendy said...

I poop my pants & I still have fun.

Posted August 19, 2008 10:29 PM | Reply to this comment

pidler replied to wendy...

that's just one of the reasons I kinda like you.

Posted August 19, 2008 10:38 PM | Reply to this comment

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