Windows that don't open recycled air conditioned elevator music reflected diluted sedated in the glass That’s not possible. Those streets run parallel Anything is possible It’s not reality. It’s poetry. Are you kidding me? Meet me on the corner of Pike and Pine I can be there in a matter of minutes Just because you can’t make sense of it Is it all nonsense? If 35 people read this sentence And 34 of them thought it was horseshit That’d be fine with me if the 35th one smiled and said yes Yes. Right on. It’s all worth it If I can get Bill Strickland’s attention I’m honored. Thank you.
Wednesday was a whacking day Today is my Thursday If we met on Facebook It’d be a Tupperware lunch date and Her preparation might be intimidating With both hands on the hands-free headset The green carpeted bike lane fueled An even greater false sense of security Wicked green pebble impregnated road rash An industrial sized tub of Ogden Murphy breath mints Wouldn’t be enough Add Comment
Have you been on wet AstroTurf? Since I am from Houston, I can speak with some authority on the subject. Since you must wear different shoes on wet turf, I guess you must change to "turf tires" in a month or 2. Try finding those at your local bike shop.