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don't stop believing

August 8, 2008

no photoshop here. don't play that game

this shot was taken at 5th & Pike this afternoon

If you stand around long enough the background changes

Free range fish in a fennel cream sauce
Herb roasted red potatoes
Asparagus spears with a twist of lemon

and a milkshake


a singer in a smokey room

the smell of wine and cheap perfume

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ninethreenine, three- said...


Posted August 9, 2008 10:39 AM | Reply to this comment

reverend dick said...

aaaaahhhhh! Steve Perry! Steve Perry!

Posted August 10, 2008 12:32 PM | Reply to this comment

pham said...

What a trip! Great photo Pilder.

Posted August 10, 2008 01:57 PM | Reply to this comment

justin p. said...

what the fuck is a free-range fish? and does it need a bicycle?

Posted August 10, 2008 02:58 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to justin p....

It's Brazilian grass-fed hormone-free free-range fish that magically appears on your plate in front of you at a restaurant. Or on a giant plate behind you at Monorail. Like a fish needs a bicycle.

Posted August 10, 2008 05:00 PM | Reply to this comment

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