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we'd like to help you learn to help yourself

August 6, 2008

Dank Nextel Coozie.

Once again the guys at DANK have produced a winner. Multitasking efficiency. Keep your finger on the button, keep your hand on the beer. Stand the-fuck by with confidence in style.

Did you get the memo?


August 6, 2008

To:         You

From:     The Man

Subject: Consumer Confidence

Due to rising fuel costs, everything in your life is now more expensive.

Due to rising fuel costs, you will not receive a cost-of-living pay increase this year or next year or the next.

Suck it up.

koo koo ka choo Mrs. Robinson

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justin p said...

thanks Cory! did you notice that the Nextel Coozie stands up on its own, and doesn't get knocked over~

Posted August 6, 2008 10:16 AM | Reply to this comment

consumer said...

I copy rising fuel costs.No helmet-us$103,running the red light-us$100,getting a break on the blown stop sign,and being able to tell officer E.A. Smith to use the google 'cause there's been a helmet law in 98121 since 2003-us$priceless. See ya at the magistrate.

Posted August 6, 2008 02:47 PM | Reply to this comment

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