what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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happy birthdays

August 4, 2008

Dog days
Cat walks
Fish heads

Happy feet
Jazz hands
Lady fingers

Road trips
Room mates
Bunk beds

Sports bras
Jock straps
Athletes feet

Sharp cheddars
Dull conversations
Worn-out relationships

Horizontal stripes
Lateral moves
Glass houses

Tall boys
Road masters
Wine coolers

Bar tenders
Binge drinkers
Bike messengers

Wear a helmet
Wear a condom
Wear a seatbelt
Wear a lifejacket
Wear bright colors
Wear sunscreen
Where do we go

Where do we go now?

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Bronco said...

I'll drink to the dull conversations and worn out relationships, where do I go now? I think my fortune is in the bottom of my big bear. I'll let you know when I've arrived there.

Posted August 5, 2008 01:34 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to Bronco...

yes. If it's not clear now it should be more clear viewed through the bottom of a big bear. Or maybe through the scope of 7 tall boys, line em up. Or maybe through the bottom of really expensive pint glasses of beer in bars on Capitol Hill served by really friendly bartenders. I drank 3 cans of Busch Light today and ate 2 pickle rolls...Ragbrai rolls on into August.

Posted August 5, 2008 09:28 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to Bronco...

PS. the sharp edge on those conversations always gets dull. The relationships wear, where? wear out. word. Where do we go now?

Posted August 5, 2008 10:01 PM | Reply to this comment

bronco replied to pilder...

copy friendly pint glassesJrvt

Posted August 7, 2008 12:47 AM | Reply to this comment

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