what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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live life to the Ultra

August 2, 2008

One more for the road

One for you and two for me
One if by land two if by sea
buy one get one free

I’m on your left
You’re on my right
pheromone turn signals bright light

It’s not about gas prices
It’s not about the environment
that light was red and so is this one

red Port green Starboard
Left, right? right
On board overboard or just bored

Dorsal ventral bilateral
Top to bottom collateral
Forward pass not lateral

Take that to the bank and smoke it
sawed-off shotgun subtlety
Recount includes absentee
just so we're clear on this
are we clear on this

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sirena c said...

dang i wanna go to ragbrai!!!

Posted August 3, 2008 04:19 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to sirena c...

Me too.

Posted August 4, 2008 07:56 AM | Reply to this comment

nate said...

i was hoping to meet you on RAGBRAI. i was riding with the dream team. and i thought it would great to talk to the person who's blog i check everyday. i think i might have seen you in Ogden or some town that starts with an "O". anyway, i'm glad you make the trek to Iowa to ride, drink and hang out.

Posted August 4, 2008 08:52 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to nate...

right on. Maybe we did meet. Or at least you spotted some of the collective drinking Old Style Light on the grass in the shade across the street from the beer store. Cheers.

Posted August 4, 2008 09:08 PM | Reply to this comment

sirena c said...

duude do you want/need those keys? some work you know?!?!

Posted August 5, 2008 05:44 PM | Reply to this comment

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