what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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zooted out

July 29, 2008



this is Ian

this is Ian's bike

Ian is one of the memorable characters from RAGBRAI this year. He bought a Schwinn cruiser at a thrift store for $30 and rode it across Iowa. But he didn’t just ride it, he rode the shit out of it. He’s one of the strongest riders I’ve ever seen. If he was on a road bike he could have completed the route twice with the amount of power he put into the pedals of that cruiser.

Ian spent the nights wherever he ended up, because he carried all his own gear, which consisted of a jacket, a sleeping pad and a seemingly endless supply of Yerba Mate and hot water.

Ian has an amazing outlook on life and it was mpossible not to laugh when you spoke with him. We encountered him daily along the route and made him an honorary member of the collective. As you can see he’s sporting a pilderwasser sticker on his thermos.

In this pass-through town Ian appeared with a stack of ham, some cream cheese and a jar of pickles. He made pickle rolls for everyone, including second servings for a couple local kids. When the pickles ran out he topped off the jar of juice with a bottle of rum and passed it around.

Ride on Ian.

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Lane said...

Pickle-roll. Echh. Cara and I come to Seattle tomorrow. We'll be there Thursday and some of Friday too.

Posted July 29, 2008 04:23 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to Lane...

copy that Lane. Let's get together for vegan beers and burritos...it's a small town city...and my calendar is open.

Posted July 29, 2008 08:59 PM | Reply to this comment

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