rider off
July 28, 2008

Just got home from an epic journey. The bike ride across Iowa was great. The airline travel to and from Iowa sucked. After a 9 hour layover in DFW the first thing I did upon arrival back in Seattle this morning was call in “jacked up” and take another day off work. Then as soon as I got home I hung up a 10’ x 3’ Michelob Ultra RAGBRAI banner in my apartment. A member of the pilderwasser collective liberated it from a beer garden somewhere last week. It’s off-gassing like a cheap shower curtain but it sure looks good.
There’s no I in team. There’s one I in pilderwasser. Pillow officer. Pillow biter. Pussy whistle. Pisser water. Whatever. it’s a collective.
My bed, no my bad, no it’s my bed. I haven’t slept in my own bed since July 17. 489 miles on a bike across Iowa. 489 cans of cheap beer consumed. I’m exhausted. Who knew??
I brought home about 100 photos from the Iowa adventures and perhaps 33 of them are worth sharing here. And I plan to share them on a new RAGBRAI photo page then a slide show and maybe I’ll regurgitate a few anecdotes too. When Dan sets up a remote server, we can link to a fiesta of 3000 photos from many people over the past 4 years. Stay tuned Theres flies in the kybo I can hear em there buzzing I aint done nothing since I woke up today How the hell can a person ride a bike in the morning All the way to the evening with no beer along the way Tent cities sprouting, 20,000 cyclists camping, team bus choking, carburetor flaming, fire extinguishing, electric fuel pump installing.
rain pattering, temperature dropping, lightening cracking, wind blowing, thunderstorm warning, storm shelter taking (or not)… zippers zipping, tent poles chopsticking, charter service yelling, early risers leaving while pilderwasser is still sleeping.
Tires deflating, floor pumping, tubes exploding, pedals turning, spokes popping, gears shifting, cross chaining, derailleurs rubbing, bob trailer stereos blaring in pace lines drafting.
Perineum pressing, bike shorts revealing, lumbar vertebrae glistening, skin sunburning, chamois buttering, bag balming, hands numbing, knees throbbing, pain killers working, sweaty sunscreen dripping into eyes watering.
Tacos walking, pork pulling, loose meating, tender loining, corn cobbing, pie al la moding, intestines gurgling, butterscotch pudding extruding into kybo over cooking.
Jason filling, Jason emptying, beer cans spangling, coozies sweating, water bottles depleting, dehydrating, gatorading, pilderwasser reconvening for beer store reloading, refueling, relaxing.
State Troopers closing, beer gardens emptying, fireflies twinkling, bull frogs croaking, blinky lights blinking into another day RAGBRAI-ing 2008.
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Chris Murray
I think my favorite quote belongs to Tim, " I sure glad I'm not with a team that has their shit together".
Posted July 28, 2008 04:35 PM
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Skunk was hiding in the closet and Clair has your spare set of keys...
Posted July 28, 2008 05:22 PM
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replied to Chris Murray...
here's to not having our shit together. Thanks to you Chris for everything, all the logistics that went smoothly, that to the untrained eye went unnoticed. Cheers.
Posted July 28, 2008 07:34 PM
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replied to Case...
thanks to you Mr. Case and to you Clair. And I thank you on behalf of Skunk too. She has some human relations issues but she appreciates what you've done for her. THANKS. word
Posted July 28, 2008 07:36 PM
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Chris Murray
replied to pilder...
Your Welcome, sorry to hear about the bad flight. We had a good drive. Dan misssed his train by ten minutes and had to drink for one more night and look at 400 pictures of fun. 350 days.
Posted July 28, 2008 08:26 PM
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