Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa RAGBRAI
a little bit of this
a bit of that
and a whole lot of this
Call it a vacation if that makes you feel better. I call it a busman’s holiday. Leaving my bike messenger job to spend a week riding a bike across Iowa. But it’s not just a bike ride. It’s a party. It’s a circus of 15,000 cyclists. It’s a road trip on bikes from the Missouri River to the Mississippi. It’s an annual convention, meeting up with old friends, friends I haven’t seen since the last time I was in Iowa. Once again I encourage all of you to experience RAGBRAI if you ever get a chance to take a week off in late July. There is nothing on earth quite like it.
The messenger lifestyle is ideal training for enjoying RAGBRAI to the fullest. Consistently consuming large quantities of beer and inconsistently consuming large quantities of food. A lot of people can ride a bike. Not a lot of people can hop back on their bike after consuming a Bimbo’s Burrito and two pitchers of Rainier and keep it together or hold it down. Who can eat the Zum Zum special in 7 minutes? The messenger can.
When the calendar turns June into July, it’s time to really focus and get serious. Listening to Steve Miller’s Greatest Hits a few times a week seems to help as does applying chapstick SPF 15 or higher. As you taper down your training in the final days before the big week, interval training your alcohol consumption will payoff in beer gardens all across the state of Iowa.
I’ll be back in about 10 days.
until then…
No Bluetooth. No Blackberry. No blogging. No bullshit.
But there will be plenty of beer bagels bananas bicycles and beautiful women on bicycles drinking beer.
for real
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