seven eleven
July 11, 2008

Hop-on Hop-off What if you gave it all you had. Put everything in. All of it into the drive-side pedal as you pulled up on the bars to drop off a very large curb from the sidewalk because you got pinched by an SUV turning left back at the last intersection. And what if from your big energy investment all you got in return was a dropped chain. Leaving you and your inertia all up and over the bars and sending you to meet Pike street face first fast… genuflecting hard, harder than you ever did before. your right knee sucking up most of it and your hands able to hold your face up off the road and you thought your were fine until your fully-loaded messenger bag came up a split second later and cracked the whip on the back of your head. Bummer dude.
125mm Salsa stem supporting a 40 pound file box Nestled “safely” in the cockpit between my elbows With a nudge from a knee here and there Ready for takeoff. The flight path looks clear and when it’s all downhill bulk jobs aren’t so bad But I suggest taping the lid down
Where have you been all my winters? Where have all the layers gone? long time passing beneath waterproof shells and sweaters I didn’t see you but I can see clearly now the rain has gone and I can see clearly now how hot you are. Yes it is summer in Seattle
Copenhagen that’s in Denmark right? Copenhagen that’s in the back pocket of your 501s Who put the dip in your lip da dip da lip
Altostratus cumulus cumulonimbus We sure could use an economic stimulus The check is in the mail. The money however cannot be possessed or owned, just gently redirected. Try to get a firm grip and it passes through the fingers like fine dry sand. When Chad bought a nipple driver onesie from me he met me at the bar and handed me a $20. I handed him $5 and he one-touched it off to Cory to buy a coozie. The $20 landed briefly on the table before it was quickly redirected into the local economy paying off the bartender.
It’s amazing what people can accomplish when they don’t have a choice It’s amazing how annoying people can be when they’re given a choice
I’ll take another beer and a black bean burger with bacon swiss cheese, fries and a side of alliteration
I went 4 for 6 In baseball I’d be batting 667 But what you hear me saying is I bought a six-pack and only gave 2 away
Seven Eleven My knee hurts but I have to say it was a good day
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