what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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Where y'all from?

July 7, 2008

Predictable, reliable, accessible, comfortable
like a chicken Caesar salad
It’s better not to get too comfortable, overconfident or cocky. Continually playing the home field advantage, retracing the old habit trails. Playing big fish in the same old pond where everybody knows your name. You’re a badass back home but we’re not in Kansas anymore. Just like going out for a ride and getting a beer in a bar in Enumclaw or Cle Elum can be an eye opener, taking a digger once in a while can be good for you. It doesn’t have to be a full-on agony-of-defeat smash up. Even a slow motion keel over on the sidewalk does the trick. Or a drunken fall on top of a friends bike right in the doorway of your favorite bar will humble you for a while. A wake-up call from gravity is a good thing. A gentle reminder of who’s really in charge here. A little road rash souvenir to take back and show your friends.

Learned helplessness
Government worker syndrome
Cruising on auto pilot
Remember there’s always a manual override option
Use it
You don’t have to read the instruction manual but
Figure it out

Self contained. Self sufficient. Independent.
Like bike touring across the country with two panniers
As opposed to
a fully-supported ride from one bed & breakfast to another

Two great tastes that taste great together
Tequila and Asparagus
Who needs a lime

when you can down a shot and bite into a pickled spear of asparagus
You smelled it here first

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ryan said...

I often see a guy in the park beside this sign with his hands cupped, held above his head, trying to seemingly lure squirrels down from trees. I wonder if he has anything to do with this crazy sign in the brand new bike lane.

Posted July 9, 2008 03:16 PM | Reply to this comment

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