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Back Off, I got a sharrow here

July 2, 2008

My right brain scribbled purple crayon
My left brain calculated mechanical pencil

My right brain fell in love
While my left brain did the math

My right brain made out at a Seahawks game
While my left brain called security

My right brain went skinny dipping
While my left brain applied more sunscreen

My right brain rode barefoot to the beer store
My left brain packed 2 tubes, a pump and a patch kit

My right brain ordered dessert
My left brain packed a lunch

My right brain stayed up all night
My left brain set an alarm and went to bed early

My right brain did the unexpected
My left brain lived up to expectations

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fomenter said...

dueling banjos never gets old. and that inbred never gets any less scary. good shit.

Posted July 3, 2008 05:21 PM | Reply to this comment

jon quon said...

your right brain ate a bowl of yakisoba from iga and drank two tall boys, your left brain dropped a 1000 2nd

Posted July 3, 2008 06:32 PM | Reply to this comment

pilderwasser replied to jon quon...

my right brain proceeded to drink for 10 more hours and not eat any more food. My left brain said... what?

Posted July 4, 2008 01:52 AM | Reply to this comment

Case said...

Shivers, every time I see any clip of this film, especially that one. Yikes.

Posted July 5, 2008 05:09 PM | Reply to this comment

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