To gain some perspective. See the big picture. See things in a new light. Some folks travel to exotic locations. Some seek solitude. Some enjoy cosmopolitan metropolitan social buzz. Some enjoy MountainDew style extreme sports. Some just like to hear themselves talk about themselves.
I enjoy pondering life’s great mysteries while perched high atop a barstool.
“Dude, you look pretty faded. Have you been here a while?”
“yup since 1996.”

That gear ratio was too tall
That gear ratio was too short
This gear ratio is just right
Yellow Cab, Orange Cab, Blue Cop. You all drive Crown Victorias and you’re all annoying.
Lulled to sleep by a consistent white noise. Dreaming of ocean waves gently lapping up the beach, but it was just the traffic droning on I-5.

Remember if you don’t know what you’re talking about
a) talk louder
b) make something up
c) crack a joke
d) all of the above
e) shut the fuck up
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