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June 24, 2008

The fancy colors and ornate raised fonts on your original stock certificates from faux corporate headquarters in tax-sheltered Delaware caught my eye. Each piece of paper is worth 4,500 shares in your newly incorporated widget company. The much anticipated IPO, still nine weeks away. Not even an envelope to conceal them, just a paper clip holding them together. These aren’t due in Bellevue until Wednesday, so they’re going with me for a ride to spend the night on Capitol Hill.

First stop, Benson’s. Feeling 13,500 shares of stock pressed against my back by a six pack of tall boys brings a smile to my face after a long day. The projected value at IPO of those 3 sheets of paper is $1,120,000. The retail value of those six beers is $4.58. The barrier between them is a thin plastic bag.

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sirena said...

if yer gonna be out somewhere o'er the next few days lemme know - love to grab a cold one with you... coming in town today.

Posted June 24, 2008 10:29 AM | Reply to this comment

pilderwasser replied to sirena...

10-4. I'll give you a chirp around 17:47 in the 98122. Visualize a cold one in the Pike-Pine corridor.

Posted June 25, 2008 07:53 AM | Reply to this comment

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