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what's in the bag?

June 21, 2008

I once met a hipster from Seattle
who’s life would be an uphill battle
if he ever rode his bike off Capitol Hill
but he won’t he wouldn’t he don’t he couldn’t         stop
no cables no housing no brakes no gears
No skills Plenty of attitude It’s about coffee and beers
It’s about fixed gear gallery and full color glossy
Coffee table books and feature length films
Purple deep Vs shining   hacking down bars to 7.3
Tight little pants sagging backward circles riding
baseball cap tilting tattoos still glistening
giant RE Load bagging   obviously empty

A lifestyle choice but only after work and on weekends


Hey I’m no bike snob. As the fixed gear gallery approaches 8,000 check out my Soma in there around #150.  I’m all for getting more people out riding bikes. All kinds of people, all kinds of bikes doing whatever wherever however they want as long as they stay away from me.

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justin p said...

do you ride one of those fixed-gears?

Posted June 22, 2008 12:24 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to justin p...

Been that...done there.

Posted June 22, 2008 10:48 PM | Reply to this comment

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