What if your only worry was finding a corn field in which to take a nature break -- and you were surrounded by corn as far as the eye could see? What if your greatest concern was how to wipe the sunscreen off your sunglasses -- because the lycra-spandex just wasn’t cutting it? What if your only goal for the day was to drink at least one beer in every pass-through town? What if you could soft-pedal on the back of a 56-person pace line and not feel the wind in your face for 12 miles? What if you rode your bike across Iowa, and your caloric intake far exceeded your caloric output?
Yo. I don't mean to gloss over the amazing flooding and crazy weather that has devastated Iowa in the last couple weeks. But the traveling super bowl tour de circus known as RAGBRAI has a huge positive economic impact on the state and the show must go on.
i'm glad to hear it!!
btw turns out it's neither the heat nor the humidity, but rather a foot-long meatball sub that will cause all the sweating...thank god i know that going in eh?