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it's not me, it's 622 bsd

June 18, 2008

If Paul Allen wants a street car, Paul Allen gets a street car. Even if it’s a $55,000,000.00 joke that’s slow, doesn’t really go anywhere, nobody rides and is referred to as the S.L.U.T.

If Bill & Melinda Gates want a left turn signal, they’ll get it, and whatever else they want


red & white checker wrapped
breakfast sandwiches drying out
under the heat lamp since 6:45
two-for-one at 10:00
English muffins eggs cheese
ham or sausage or bacon
I’ll take two   big bites
stuck in my esophagus someplace
need something to wash it down
dehydrated since 1997   top-shelf tequila shots
she was a great bartender    yesterday
was your Friday  today is Wednesday



Texture  rhythm  syntax  context
Q-factor crank arms Quick-release cantilevers
It’s not you, it’s me.       We’ve grown apart
High flange   double butted   three cross   deep section
round  true  tension  dish
I need to focus on my career maybe go back to school
thread pitch  shell size  spindle length
loose ball   sealed bearing   cartridge
I met someone else. I’m not attracted to you anymore
It’s just not fun…not what it used to be
130 bcd  not compatible with Campy
Feeling pressure from my family
25.4... 28.6... 31.8 can we all get along
I want to travel. You'd like to settle down
High limit  low limit  bent derailleur hanger

I need more...won’t settle for OK
You call it 29"   I call it 700c
Can't you see    it’s all 622 bsd

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