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said it once before but it bears repeating

June 18, 2008

Priority is the new Sacrifice
At $5 a gallon, gas is still cheaper than beer
Where are you going?
On a beer run
How are you getting there?
On a bike
Bringing home 168 cans of beer
plus one for the road
Who wants to go for a ride?
You win some. You win some more.
You lose some. It rains it pours.

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Hunter said...

Schlitz? Oh, the memories, The painful, fuzzy memories. Schlitz? Not the river in Hesse, Germany? The beer? Take me now, my bwain hurtz.

Posted June 18, 2008 07:27 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to Hunter...

yup. Back in the day in the 50112 we could pass the hat and go buy another keg of the Beast for $25. 12 packs were $2.69 plus the 5 cent per can deposit, but there were always enough empty cans sitting around to cash in for more beer.

Posted June 19, 2008 08:31 AM | Reply to this comment

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