Mr. Art KNR with a prototype nipple driver onesie.
Show me the money.
I’ll show you a one-of-a-kind onesie or two or three.
Show me the way.
I’ll show you the door.
Show me a breath mint that will mask the scent of 6 beers.
I’ll show you a high school girl drinking lunch in her car.
However, school is out for the summer.
Bring on the summer associates.
Long stares. Short skirts.
Long lunches. Short attention spans.
Long days. Short nights.
Long winters. Short summers.
There is some dispute about who should get credit for inventing the bicycle and exactly what year it was. There is no doubt however that the first pedal-driven bike was a fixed-gear. What I’m saying is, they’ve been around for a while, since day one. But everybody has their own opinion about fixie kids these days.
And finally, to the Stealth Messenger Crew…the last company in North America to use radios, real old-school radios. We’ll talk about Nextel and Stealth some other time. But this cheese is for all of you: Sara this bites. And Travis, take these Broken Wings . Keep the volume up as you step inside. Word.
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