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immaculate receptionist

June 14, 2008

kind of blue

Rectum? It nearly killed him.


Large German sedan, I can hear your attitude in the way you stomp the gas pedal. In your mind you’re entitled. The seed was planted even before The Bush School, but it really grew at Lakeside and thrived at Bowdoin. Those two years you trust-funded around Europe before mom got you back on track and dad got you into Michigan Law in spite of your poor LSATs, added more to your deep rooted sense of entitlement. I can’t see your face but I can feel your family history in the warm exhaust that brushed my right leg when you gunned it for that next red light. You made it to partner in grandpa’s firm just six months after grandpa passed away. Dad said there was no connection, but I know the truth. Your second wife seems unhappy but your first wife is happy with her alimony. I sense something is bothering you, I can see it in the way you change lanes. But it’s all amusing to me because I know I’ll be home and well into my second beer before you even get back to Mercer Island.
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