what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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June 4, 2008

off-gassing like a discount carpet
Spoken politician broken
genuine authentic sincere
as a plastic lawn ornament
change of ownership
Probationary purgatorial transitional
They’d like to feel you out for a while
touch you in the bathing suit area
Intention misdirection head fake
Interpretation misunderstanding over commitment
forward progress growth transformation
With the changing marketplace
Mergers acquisitions takeovers buyout
Bail out get out you’re out
of a job        laid
off like a prom dress
whatayagonna do?
Eat Drink Be Merry
It’s the economy
Seven layer dip
Get a handle get a grip
Capitulate exfoliate regurgitate  
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
I am what I am, he said
Does that count for something
I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday
For some insight today
no I in team
no Team in fuck you
Do you speak the lingo
4 chuckers down   2 more to go
2 chuffers clown  they’re all show
Tallywhackers backslappers buffet-line sneezers
fair-weather friends coming out in the rain
In truth it will not always be
Served in a Styrofoam clamshell

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JP said...

those are the chuffers that left the mud tracks at 1201 3rd!!!

Posted June 5, 2008 06:20 PM | Reply to this comment

JP said...

no they're not, but did you see those fuckin' tracks. christ. they had 5 people laying down scrubbing the carpet in the elevator bank.

Posted June 5, 2008 06:24 PM | Reply to this comment

kae said...

you've a sharp tongue and keener perception. look for lawrence ferlinghetti, think you might appreciate him.

Posted June 17, 2008 03:18 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder replied to kae...

copy that. Thank You. And I do appreciate Mr. Ferlinghetti. cheers

Posted June 20, 2008 09:05 PM | Reply to this comment

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