what was that? is that all there is? who is this? this is it.

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oh god

June 2, 2008

it rubs the lotion on its skin

Some messengers believe in an angry, vengeful dispatcher. One that punishes them for their sins and even for their slight indiscretions. These messengers are always fearful, repenting, kissing ass, saying their 45 rosaries per hour, going to confession and so on.

I believe in a higher level of consciousness. A greater power. An unfathomable energy. A place where it all makes sense. And in this place that cannot be described there is not just an all-seeing all-knowing dispatcher but so much more. so much more that it’s pointless to even try to talk about it here at street level. But I do know that these angry vengeful dispatchers will get what’s coming to them.

RUSH! Yeah, I copy rush…whatever…it’s all the same

Traditionally when the first of the month falls on Sunday, government workers have a hard time updating their automated date stamps and they need a little nudge to correct them. Today is not May 33, 2008. Today is my Oh Six - Oh Two - Oh Eight... Oh yeah.

Downtown Seattle is just a bunch of One Way streets. On a bike it’s no big deal with the various options available including alleys, sidewalks and stairways. In a car it can suck. Bad. Just to go two blocks as-the-crow-flies can take a matter of minutes, many minutes.

Remember to look both ways when you cross the street. Just like your mom said. Even if it’s a One Way street there could be a tourist driving up the wrong way. He doesn’t know any better and by the time you hear him, it’ll be too late.

Or there could be a messenger flying up the other way, even if she knows better. And you won’t hear her coming because she‘s like the wind

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Buffalo Bill said...

God's giving us the hose again. I hear it'll be happening like this all week.

Posted June 3, 2008 01:55 PM | Reply to this comment

piddlerwasser said...

yup. Took my fender off in April. Put it back on in June. My shoes are on the Peet to dry out, only to get soaked again within 2 blocks of home tomorrow morning on the way to another 9 hours of trench foot. Let's talk about something else, precious.

Posted June 3, 2008 08:52 PM | Reply to this comment

pilder said...

Is it raining? How the hell can a person be dripping wet and dehydrated at the same time? Ask your local messenger.

Posted June 3, 2008 09:06 PM | Reply to this comment

Precious said...

Oh god,this is a great mural,I especially get a kick out of the dude(s)in the brain handing the fella on the left his consciousness, I'm okay.

Posted June 3, 2008 09:58 PM | Reply to this comment

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